So imagine me entering the Devil's Triangle, a three hole "gotcha"! If you're unfamiliar, anyone getting through holes 15, 16 and 17 without losing a ball receives a certificate in the clubhouse. Well, I took the pressure off myself right away when I pulled my drive on 15 into the beautiful Caribbean Sea! That was totally expected but what ensued was definitely not envisioned... I completed the 3-hole maze without losing another ball - in fact, without even taking a penalty the rest of the way. Maybe that's because the pressure was off!
I'm generally not a fan of Caribbean golf, but Mahogany Run is a greatly improved course over that of 5 or 6 years ago. Overpriced for sure, but that's just the way it is everywhere in the sub-tropics.
I'm happy to give you free advice if you're headed south for a spring golf escape!