Thursday, July 12, 2012

Back to the Scene of the Crime!

Last week, I returned to The Pines Golf Course at Grandview Lodge in Brainerd, Minnesota. I dealt with an embarrassing incident the last time I played there. If you hadn't previously read this epoch tale, here it is again....

Last weekend in the North Woods of Minnesota, I played The Pines Golf Club at Grandview Lodge on Saturday and was so-so (to be kind). So Sunday, I spent 31/2 hours at the range and really got it going. I was hitting the target green from every distance from 50 yards to 220 yards. Wow, was I pumped!
So Monday, I returned to The Pines and started off alright but by the 16th fairway I was ready for a shrink. After a great drive, I cold-topped three fairway shots in a row (I was playing by myself and taking extra shots), I went to throw my 4-Iron up the fairway and couldn't even do that right... in 90 degree high humidity, the club stuck to my glove momentarily causing the throw to go 90 degrees to the right - directly into the tops of a stand of river birch in a marsh. A scramble had just ended so I was the only one on that nine except for a foursome that, by now, was at least 4 holes behind me. So into the marsh I waded. With muck up to my shoe tops, I searched the tree tops and scoured the ground without any success. Feeling absolutely stupid, after about 12 minutes I started thinking that it is about time I consider a new set of Mizunos! I was starting my way back to the fairway when I found it laying in knee-high prairie grass. 
Returning to my car, my luck changed - I had not lost my car keys!

Thanks to the blogger who sent me a hilarious clip on Club-Throwing after reading of my escapade. I think you'll get a good laugh out of it...

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