Saturday, February 27, 2010

Golf Bargains & Rip-Offs.

Well, maybe "rip-offs" is a little harsh but the more I Travel With Clubs the more convinced I am that WHERE you go makes a huge difference.

I just returned from San Juan where I played at Dorado Beach. The West Course is the better of the two but I found it to be just "nice"... and at $190, I'm looking for better than "just nice". Those of you who follow this blog know that I'm not too fond of Caribbean golf. (On second thought, this was a rip-off! The course is carved up because they are redesigning it as they build a new clubhouse - but there was no mention of this when I booked. Nor, was there a price reduction because of it.)

You can play World Class courses at Cabo San Lucas for about the same fee; you can play fabulous tracks in Hawaii for LESS!

As you'll see from my comments on another blog site, I didn't choose to go to Puerto Rico. At my golf vacation company, we focus on Florida, the Southwest, Cabo and Hawaii. We actively discourage the Caribbean as a golf destination (with the exception of Casa de Campo in the Dominican Republic).




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