Saturday, March 20, 2010

Super Golf Bargains in Spring!

For Northern States Golfers, this is a tormenting time of year.... snow's gone, spring SEEMS to be here (feels like spring one day; feels like winter the next!) we can hear the clubs screaming at us from the basement!

But, here in Minnesota, the courses won't open for a few more weeks - and when they do, the conditions are ugly... brown grass with winter residue clearly present; barren trees; goose poop everywhere; raw, windy days when 60 degrees feels more like 40. Sounds enticing, doesn't it?

After Easter, pricing for many of our golf vacations is greatly reduced. For example, our Gold Canyon package, a spectacular bargain at the regular winter price of $598.50 (3 nights first class casita, 4 rounds of 4-Star and 41/2-Star golf and many extras), goes down to an incredible $472 from April 5 until May 5.

Florida prices also go way down... Stay & Play Doral for nearly half the winter rate. Same thing at PGA National Resort, World Golf Village and others. See more on Spring Discounts!

Time for a Spring Tune-Up?

